We Have Been Drilling Specialists Since 1963
What We Do
Directional Drilling
Directional Drilling is used to provide the efficient installation of service products such as cables, water mains and rising mains – all without rerouting traffic
Service DetailPipe Ramming
Pipe ramming is a method of trenchless installation whereby a steel duct is installed under a particular obstacle such as road, rail, canal, river etc.
Service DetailGuided Auger Boring
With the ever increasing concern for the environment and the search for more economical solutions, the use of pipe jacking is becoming increasingly popular over the traditional open trench method.
Service DetailRock Drilling
Our Rock Drilling process utilises a concentric system, which simultaneously drills the rock with a down the hole hammer whilst installing a steel pipe.
Service DetailABOUT US
Providing drilling services Since our foundation in 1963
Dunnes Drilling Services Ltd imported its first ‘mole’ into Ireland from
Russia in the late ‘70’s. We commenced Pipe Ramming in 1989.
We purchased our first Directional Drill rig in 1995 followed by Guided
Auger Boring and Rock Drilling in 2000.
Our Clients